
How to donate

Directly online

You can also use our Donorbox. This allows you to donate directly online to the Pater Schlooz Foundation. Click to donate

Per bank

Any amount is welcome. You can transfer an amount yourself to the bank account: IBAN: NL26 INGB 0688 4840 18 in the name of Stichting Pater Schlooz (BIC: INGBNL2A).


You can register as a donor by clicking on the link ‘Newsletter with payment slip’ or by calling 043-3101485. You will then receive our circular/newsletter twice a year with a payment slip with which you can transfer your (self-chosen) contribution. Newsletter with payment slip

Periodic donation in cash

You can also arrange a periodic donation yourself by clicking on the right link ‘Periodic donation agreement in cash’ and downloading the required form. Periodic cash donation agreement

What is the Acknowledgment?

The Acknowledgment is the quality mark for charitable organizations issued by the CBF, the Supervisory Authority for Charitable Organizations. With the Acknowledgment, organizations demonstrate that they meet strict quality requirements. Naturally, larger organizations are subject to different criteria than smaller ones. Approximately 80 percent of private donations are now under the supervision of the CBF. You can donate confidently to a Recognized Charity, as you can trust that the organization genuinely contributes to a better world, handles every euro with care, is accountable, and undergoes independent auditing.

ANBI recognized.

Stichting Pater Schlooz is recognized as ANBI, a public benefit organization (ANBI-RSIN number: NL003812674B01). This means that, depending on your own situation, your gift may be tax deductible and that there is an exemption from gift tax.

CBF registration and recognition.

The Pater Schlooz Foundation is in possession of the CBF Certificate for small charities. Via this link: CBF-Erkenningspaspoort you can view our CBF-Erkenningspaspoort.

Transparency at a glance.

The CBF Recognition Passport The CBF Recognition Passport shows the most important information of a Recognized Charity in a clear and neutral way. Transparency at a glance. The passport contains both qualitative information about the objective and activities of the organization and financial key figures. The latter have been validated by the CBF.
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